Build a user-friendly 商店 of packing 项目 with this responsive VirtueMart template. 它的特点是一个由Ajax驱动的下拉式购物车. 这种先进的网络技术使买家能够添加每个...
销售: 14
支持: 4.2/5
Gamez VirtueMart模板
Gamez是一个现成的模板,可以吸引任何游戏网站.主题有很多高质量的图像. That's why, in order to make your site load faster, the lazy load effect was...
销售: 9
支持: 4.2/5
Contact Lens is a responsive Optometrist VirtueMart template designed for a broad range of 在线 商店s, 包括医疗, 金融与计算机. 它拥有一个非常方便的粘到顶部...
销售: 12
支持: 4.2/5
Lizzy VirtueMart模板
如果你想开一家内衣店,那就开得性感一点. 这 Lingerie VirtueMart Template will help you succeed on your market niche. 带有诱人图片的大横幅吸引了游客的眼球...
销售: 8
支持: 4.2/5
这 RC toys VirtueMart template is the right choice for entertainment websites. Its full-screen header is flavored with polygons adding a lively touch to the page. 圆形图像的形状是用来...
销售: 4
支持: 4.2/5
With the help of this theme you will be able to build an effective and up to date 在线 商店. It comes loaded with a variety of plugins and widgets that ensure an enhanced performance and...
销售: 43
支持: 4.2/5
是否以母亲为目标, 爸爸, 小孩子或职业玩家, 这个玩具商店虚拟购物模板将吸引任何观众. Made in clean and minimalist style, the layout draws users' attention to...
销售: 6
支持: 4.2/5
Cutting-edge design of this entirely responsive computer hardware VirtueMart template will help you set up the desired 在线 商店 with an engaging layout. 这个设计的特点是一个干净的布局...
销售: 1
支持: 4.2/5
Terraceda VirtueMart模板
Terraceda在视觉上令人惊叹, clean and lightweight Outdoor 家具VirtueMart模板 best suited for exterior design and furniture 在线 商店s. 它有4种现成的颜色...
销售: 14
支持: 4.2/5
Colorful and vibrant design of this ready-made Love 宠物 theme will perfectly work for starting or redesigning pets, 美, 爱好和手工艺, 以及网上礼品商店. 这只宠物明亮通风...
销售: 6
支持: 4.2/5
这 jewelry VirtueMart template has everything required to move your 商店 在线 and make a name for your brand. A tender palette in the snow 白色 background symbolizes elegance, while...
销售: 42
支持: 4.2/5
If you are looking for a simple yet effective 电子商务 solution for your fashion 在线 商店, 请注意这个响应时尚VirtueMart模板. 它结合了流行的功能,如...
销售: 14
支持: 4.2/5
Photo Club VirtueMart模板
这 stock photo VirtueMart theme was designed to maximize visitors' comfort on your 电子商务 site. 产品 are arranged in easy-to-navigate carousels on the front page, and colorful badges make...
销售: 5
支持: 4.2/5
Shopence VirtueMart模板
Shopence is a clean Printing 服务 VirtueMart Template that was developed to run equally well across multiple web browsers and smart devices. 布局平衡,易于扫描. 谢谢...
销售: 19
支持: 4.2/5


VirtueMart template is a state of the art graphic theme for VirtueMart 购物 cart software. Template怪物.com stately presents VirtueMart Themes which are Joomla-based templates created specifically for enabling you to run premium 电子商务 websites. 这 means they are convenient in all ways – for your customers to buy from and for you to maintain. VirtueMart Themes provided by Template 怪物 are professional designs created and polished by experienced 电子商务 designers. 用激情创造,提供最好的设计解决方案,我们的 VirtueMart模板 aim at creating the most functional and convenient environment for the maximum e-commerce performance.

免费的VirtueMart 2.0.22个模板 用于测试目的. 有些人用它来磨练安装和定制技能. You can download it to evaluate product before buying your premium template.



Totally responsive design provides excellent experience on all devices no matter what resolutions they support. Everyone can enjoy the fabulous look of your website at any display size. The slider and other components are made to be 100% responsive to produce optimal UX for different environments.


这 module lets users view product 搜索 results without page reloading. Customers are sure to get a comfortable 搜索 experience as the page is updated instantly when submitting the 搜索 query.


The developers have extended the functionality of this module so that you could tweak it proceeding from your own needs. You will be able to choose new images for a slider, change descriptions, or add links.


给定模块的用法允许设置, 删除, 或者从管理面板更改横幅的外观.


该模板附带的文档相当全面. A simple manual will walk you through the VirtueMart installation process, 解释如何安装模板并进一步自定义它. 有了这样详尽的指导,你就能轻松地完成这项任务.


The use of Ajax 购物 cart enables quick review of the added 产品 and editing the number of 项目 to be bought. 更多的over, there is an option to 删除 产品 that customers do no want to purchase so far.


允许在旋转木马风格的画廊中显示产品图像. 您还可以编辑和打开价格显示, 分配产品图像, 添加标题, 按钮, 以及你们产品的描述.


VirtueMart templates are 电子商务 designs created specifically for the use with VirtueMart Joomla 购物 cart extension.

VirtueMart is a free open source e-commerce extension of Joomla content management system (CMS) developed in PHP and implemented with MySQL storage database environment. VirtueMart plug-in supports an unlimited number of 产品 and categories, 销售可下载产品, 目录模式, 使用多种不同的付款方式, 单一产品的多种价格,甚至更多.


VirtueMart Template developed at Template怪物 is the glorious triad of outstanding design, 优质的品质,卓越的电子商务活动解决方案. 这 is your lucky chance to update or start your own 在线 商店 that grants possibilities of convenient intercommunication with all of your clients and accents out distinguished appearance of your company’s image.

The premium Joomla VirtueMart模板 will suit any e-commerce related project. VirtueMart Theme would be the best solution for all types and levels of 在线 商店 businesses.

除此之外,请不要忘记那个templatemmonster.Com很乐意分享其他 Joomla模板 可在我们的收集CMS & 博客模板.