Use this pro designed template to give your website a cool look and advanced functionality. Thanks to its responsive layout this theme allows you to reach more visitors in no time as your website...
Sales: 208
Support: 4.2/5
树精-园艺公司Joomla 4模板
Dryad is a Joomla Template designed specifically for your company that deals with gardening and other outdoor maintenance services and offering you a wide variety of unique features.
Sales: 156
Support: 4.5/5
Do you need to build a medical website fast and looking for a clean and comfortable template for this purpose? 试试BeDentist,这是一个专业的Joomla模板,适用于牙医、医院、诊所和医院...
Sales: 33
Support: 4.2/5
SimpleX -多功能Joomla模板
SimpleX与它的现代设计和用户友好的界面, it's the ideal solution for anyone who wants to create a professional-looking website without spending a lot of time or money.
Sales: 84
Support: 5/5


Do you still think that creating a high-quality website is an extremely expensive and complicated process? Launching an online project with our wonderful Joomla quickstart package templates becomes available to everyone, 包括普通PC用户.

我们的主题是多用途的,这要归功于许多预先制作的页面, ready elements, and blocks, 各种配色方案, homepages, etc. 即使你喜欢一个与你的业务无关的定制利基主题, 您可以轻松地定制它以满足您的需求. 这是可能的,因为我们将模板嵌入到世界上流行的CMS中, 哪一个被证明是创建在线项目的可靠和值得信赖的平台. A convenient admin panel with a full set of standard modules allows you to change every site element, 添加和调节内容. The open-source code enables the introduction of new CSS classes to make a unique design. Your information is available to every user around the world who has an Internet connection. This becomes possible because your content is stored on servers supplied by hosting providers.

顺便说一下,如果您还没有选择可靠的主机,请查看 我们的顶级律师提供了很好的服务.


  • 创建网站并不是那么容易. 出于这个原因,高级产品提供24/7的支持. Our managers are ready to help you with all the difficulties at all stages of your project development. 任何义务都不会将免费产品的作者与其用户绑定在一起, 你必须自己解决所有的问题.
  • 与从头开始构建网站相比,您节省了很多开发费用. An individual project usually costs at least one and a half thousand dollars and sometimes reaches several thousand. At the same time, a template that is a ready-made website costs an average of $30 to $100. In addition, you save such a valuable resource as time because your dream site is already in our library. 您所需要做的就是下订单,下载产品并安装它. 你还减少了员工工资和办公室租金的成本,因为, 对于在线业务, you only need to spend a few dollars a month on hosting and hire one or two managers to work with clients.
  • 您将获得定期更新,因此性能错误将减少到零. In addition, the code is well documented to facilitate your interaction with the management.
  • An expanded setting in comparison with free opponents opens up more possibilities for changes.
  • 由于市场竞争激烈, 高级主题通常带有内置插件和附加组件. 您不再需要浪费时间来查找谷歌Maps小部件, Instagram feed, 社交媒体整合, blog, 在线商店功能实现, etc. You just need to choose a theme that already includes all the options you need and buy it for a reasonable price.



每年,电子产品制造商都会推出新产品,扩大产品种类. 人们可以自由选择使用不同的设备上网. 网络已经成为商业的主要平台之一, so it is imperative to provide everyone with access to your website and a pleasant user experience. 我们所有的主题都是充分响应的, 所以忘了bug吧, distortions, 在项目启动后,可能会有其他不愉快的惊喜等着你. 顺便说一下,责任创新技术还有一个很酷的优势. You no longer need to invest in developing a mobile version or application because you get one full-fledged resource that shows smooth performance on all existing devices.


多年来互联网的存在, 图片与网站的其他元素一起进化. We are already accustomed to considering high-quality photos as an indicator of a company's reliability. Nobody will do business with people who have created an ugly website for their organization. 出于这个原因, it is extremely important to be able to adapt the images on your resource for different types of screens. 内置视网膜技术的设备已经在我们的生活中得到了积极的应用. All our themes are optimized to deliver high-quality images without blur and pixel grids to all devices, 包括那些带有HiDPI屏幕的.


网站是最强大的营销平台. 除了昂贵的按点击付费广告, 另一种推广方法可以给你带来流量,即使你不付钱. 我们所有的主题都是seo友好,是完美的成功推广.

请继续关注Templateog体育首页 YouTube频道

你知道人们最喜欢哪些网站吗? 除了方便,他们还欣赏漂亮的设计. Impress your visitors with cool typography and prove it can be stunning after watching our video! 在我们的YouTube频道, we regularly post new videos about the latest trends in web design to inspire you to translate new cool ideas into reality.


I want to purchase one of the Joomla quickstart package templates, but they are a little expensive. 有没有办法以更合理的价格从你的图书馆购买产品?

我们的报价比简单的折扣要好得多. Our excellent subscription opens up new opportunities for everyone who plans to develop and upgrade their projects constantly. 我们制定了三个包含不同选项的伟大计划:

  • 每年93美元的创意为您提供无限的演示模板, graphics, 3D models, audio and video, 还有一年的支持和聊天.
  • 一体机,每年179美元, 除了之前关税中包含的选项, 提供WordPress, CMS, HTML, 和电子商务主题和插件.
  • 一次性支付599美元,您可以无限制地获得任何您想要的产品.


Of course! 此外,我们随时准备帮助你解决任何困难, 我们的开发人员可以为您提供完整的现成解决方案 customization, installation, content writing, etc. 查看我们的完整列表 extra services 找到最合适的一个.

我不认为Joomla是管理我的项目的合适平台. 您是否为不同的CMS销售任何主题?

我们提供许多现成的解决方案,例如 WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, HTML5, Magento, PrestaShop,以及其他模板.